Saturday 12 July 2014

St Jame's Park and London Aquarium (2009)

I am really getting the hang of this blogging...I still have quite a backlog of adventures and explorations to share but I am determined to share it all...

St Jame's Park which is near the Army and Navy in Victoria, London. It is not a big park but the atmosphere is still very nice! I had a good long walk and I definitely savoured the green environment! Then I went to Harrods for my Krispy Kreme donuts!

The London Aquarium

A little bit of an adventure under the sea (almost!) at the London Aquarium. This opened in 1997 but, being a local I only went in 2009 to take someone who's not from here off course!..It is really a nice place to go especially in the heart of the city!


Starfish that looks like worms!

Trafalgar Square then (2009) and now (2014) a drop in at the The National Gallery.

Taken in 2009
TRAFALGAR SQUARE,...A public place and known tourist spot in London. It is commonly used for events and celebrations, such as New Year's Eve (although they now moved the countdown in London Eye).

I will never forget my first ever NYE celebrated with friends! Foolish and ignorant that I was, my curiosity killed me that's for sure! I was curious as to how people celebrate it within the square. So, I went!...and to my surprise it was jammed, I couldn't even move and as midnight was approaching more people were arriving. YES! the celebration was to wait for the countdown and the fireworks thereafter! HAHA! But hey, atleast I got to experience it!

The Merman's Fountain in the Square
Taken last week (2014)

Panoramic View of the Square (2014)

Last week I had to do some tour guide duties, and I took them to the famous Square...another completely different experience altogether. But, it's busy as it can be! The sun was too much to bear so we stopped at the National Gallery Cafe for some refreshments and cakes, which is nice.
The ceiling of the National Gallery

Very Detailed!...Unfortunately these are the only photos I managed to take whilst in the National Gallery.

I just can't help it!

The Dessert Table at The National Gallery Cafe..

Friday 11 July 2014

I came to London to stretch in the Bridge!.....(2009)

 Piccadily Circus...

Call a friend?

Tower of London


I love flowers!

I'm stronger than you think!

Shoot me down or I won't fall!

After living in London for so long, I only started to appreciate it's beauty when relatives came over. I did not have a choice but to be the tour guide!..I wasn't familiar on it's "bloody" history (GUILTY!) as I did not concentrate during my history class and ended up doing Geography. This is how my gallivanting started! As a result, I am always seeking new places, places that not many people know about!,..join me as I take you to my travels, first stop is my homeland---LONDON!

Please note....these photos are take in April 2008, hence the lond curly hair!